Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Introducing our private discussion group

    1. What are Behavioral Biases?

    2. Am I Broken?

    3. How Do Behavioral Biases Affect Me?

    4. What Do Humans Actually Do Well?

    5. How Do Behavioral Biases Impact My Work?

    6. The Mindless Investor vs. The Mindful Investor

    7. Exercise: Mindful Investing

    8. The Past: Hindsight Bias

    9. The Past: Self-Serving Bias

    10. The Present: Endowment Effect

    11. The Present: Anchoring Bias

    12. The Future: Confirmation Bias

    13. The Future: Narrative Effect

    14. Quiz: Behavioral Biases

    15. How Can I Prevent Behavioral Biases?

    16. The Past: Flight Accidents

    17. The Past: Worst Call Meeting

    18. The Past: Benchmark Review

    19. Quiz: Learning from the Past

    20. The Present: Night Flight

    21. The Present: Routines

    22. Exercise: Routines

    23. The Present: Technical Checklist for Buys

    24. Exercise: Checklists

    25. Quiz: Building Awareness of the Present

    26. The Future: Emergency Prep

    27. The Future: Declare Your Exit Strategy

    28. The Future: Technical Checklist for Sells

    29. Quiz: Planning for the Future

    30. Module 1 Review

    31. Behavioral Finance and You: Conclusion

    1. Behavioral Finance and the Markets: Introduction

    2. What is Behavioral Investing?

    3. What About Market Efficiency?

    4. Long-term Bull & Bear Cycles

    5. Fear and Greed vs Fear and Fear

    6. Quiz: Behavioral Investing

    7. Exercise: Behavioral Investing

    8. Price: How are Investors Voting With Their Actions?

    9. Top Down Macro

    10. Sector Rotation

    11. Bottom Up Stock Selection

    12. Quiz: Market Review

    13. Exercise: Market Review

    14. Breadth: What Particular Bets Are Investors Making?

    15. Stocks Above Moving Averages

    16. Advancers & Decliners

    17. Volume

    18. Quiz: Breadth

    19. Sentiment: How are Investors Voting With Their Words?

    20. Magazine Covers

    21. AAII Rankings

    22. NAAIM Exposure and Rydex Flows

    23. Quiz: Sentiment

    24. Exercise: Market Breadth and Sentiment

    25. Module 2 Review

    26. Behavioral Finance and the Markets: Conclusion

    1. Behavioral Finance and Your Clients: Introduction

    2. Building Relationships

    3. Empathy: Active Listening

    4. Authenticity: Bringing Your Genuine, Authentic Self

    5. Credibility: Educating Clients About the Markets

    6. Quiz: Building Relationships

    7. Exercise: Building Relationships

    8. Communication Skills

    9. Proactive vs Reactive Communication

    10. Multipurpose Content

    11. Tailor Your Content by Segmenting Lists

    12. Make it a Sandwich with a Purpose

    13. Quiz: Communication Skills

    14. Exercise: Communication Skills

    15. Data Visualization

    16. Clear: Focus on the Goal

    17. Concise: Everything Should Have a Purpose

    18. Meaningful: What's the Narrative Thread?

    19. Quiz: Data Visualization

    20. Exercise: Data Visualization

    21. Behavioral Finance and Your Clients: Conclusion

    1. Behavioral Finance For Investors: Course Wrap-up

    2. Before you go...

    3. Share Your Results in our Private Discussion Group!

    4. Resources and Further Reading

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 86 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content